Welcome to the Laboratory for Advanced Propulsion and Energy Research
We study the chemistry and physics of reactive flows relevant to advanced aerospace propulsion systems with a focus on high-speed airbreathing (supersonic, hypersonic, space entry), sustainable aviation, and compact UAS propulsion. We deploy scientific tools including laser and optical diagnostics, numerical modeling and simulations, and machine learning based optimization and analysis to advance our understanding of current systems and investigate next-gen technologies. Working closely with the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Army Research Laboratory (ARL), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Sandia National Laboratories, and Argonne National Laboratory, we pursue disruptive and sustainable propulsion concepts that can reshape our future.
Our group is part of the following research programs:
- Academic lead for the DoD Center for UAS Propulsion Center (CUP).
- Member of Army Research Laboratory – Central.
- Member of the FAA Center of Excellence – ASCENT
- Home of the FAA Sustainable Aviation Fuel Database
- Member of the DOE PSAAP Phase III Center: CEESD (Scramjet Design)
- PI for the M7ai Hypersonic Scramjet combustion physics program
Featured (above image) Ongoing research activity sample in propulsion and energy research. Please check the research tabs for more details.
Our ARC-M1 Combustor featured by Argonne National Laboratory
The ARC-M1 Combustor which was designed and built in our research group (Dr. Eric Wood) has been featured by Argonne National Laboratory. We have been working with Argonne’s supercomputing team and the Army Research Laboratory to develop and also model the M1 combustor for the past two years. The M1 combustor serves to both investigate … Continue reading Our ARC-M1 Combustor featured by Argonne National Laboratory
Our Group’s Hypersonic effort in Aerospace America
Our Office of Naval Research MURI on hypersonic turbulence and chemistry interaction is featured in Aerospace America. https://aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org/departments/reducing-the-need-for-hypersonic-tunnel-testing/
M1 Gas Turbine Campaign at Argonne APS Complete
Students Eric Wood and Caleb Trotter along with Dr. Eric Mayhew (ARL) and Dr. Alan Kastengren (Argonne) successfully completed the recent campaign at the Argonne Advanced Photon Source to carry out X-ray radiography in the M1 gas turbine combustor. Current tests were geared towards understanding lean blow out and ignition physics at high altitude conditions … Continue reading M1 Gas Turbine Campaign at Argonne APS Complete